The verb “apetecer” means to be hungry or to have the need to satisfy a desire.
Grammatically speaking, “apetecer” works like the verb “gustar”: we conjugate in the 3rd person singular or plural, and use it with the indirect object pronouns:
Indirect Object | Indirec Object Pronoun | Singular | Plural |
a mí / to me | me | apetece | apetecen |
a tí / to you | te | apetece | apetecen |
a él/ella/usted / to him/her/you | le | apetece | apetecen |
a nosotros/as / to us | nos | apetece | apetecen |
a vosotros/as / to you | os | apetece | apetecen |
a ellos/as, a ustedes / to them, to you | les | apetece | apetecen |
- A nosotros nos apetece un café expreso. We would like to have an expresso.
- A mí me apetecen unas empanadas de carne. I want to have some beef empanadas.
- ¿Te apetece ir a ver una película? Would you like to go the movies?
- A ellas les apetece salir esta noche, pero yo estoy cansada. They feel like going out tonight, but I’m tired.