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Verbs to express opinions

When expressing our opinions in Spanish, we have a variety of verbs and expressions to help us out. We can divide these verbs into two categories: verbs that express what we’re thinking and verbs that express what we’re sensing.

The most important factor to take into account when using verbs of opinion is the choice of indicativo or subjuntivo. How do we know which to use? Easy!

Negative statements are express with el subjuntivo and affirmative statments with el indicativo. Take a look at this helpful chart!

Verbs to express opinion - Easy Español


  • Creo que el cambio climático está afectando al medio ambiente. I believe climate change is affecting the environment.
  • No creo que la emisión de carbono ayude a mejorar el medio ambiente. I don’t think carbon emissions help improve the environment.
  • Me parece que debemos vivir de manera sustentable para proteger a la naturaleza. I think we must live in a sustainable way to protect nature.
  • No me parece que sea bueno que exista desigualdad en el mundo. I don’t think it’s good that there is inequality in the world.
  • Veo que ella está un poco un nerviosa. I can see that she’s a bit nervous.
  • No veo que ella esté nerviosa. She doesn’t look nervous to me.
  • Oigo que el gerente tendrá una reunión esta tarde. I hear that the manager will have a meeting this afternoon.
  • No oigo que el jefe tenga una reunión está tarde. I haven’t heard anything about the boss having a meeting this afternoon.
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