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How to express wishes and hopes in Spanish

Throughout the holiday season, and particularly during New Year’s Eve and the beginnings of January, people wish each other joy, hope, health, prosperity and more.

In Spanish, we express these hopes and wishes using the Subjunctive mood. Since these expressions tend to be pretty standard and universal, we often omit the wishing verb (eg ‘deseo’ or ‘espero’), and just start with the connector QUE:

  • (Espero / Deseo) Que el año que viene sea lleno de prosperidad. May the next year be prosper to all.
  • (Espero / Deseo) Que se cumplan todas tus / sus metas. I wish all your dreams come true.
  • (Espero / Deseo) Que la alegría de las fiestas esté presente durante el año venidero / nuevo / que viene, etc. May the joy of the holiday season be present throughout the coming year as well.
  • (Espero / Deseo) Que sea un año cargado / lleno de mucha salud, trabajo y prosperidad. I wish the New Year brings us health, work, and prosperity.
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