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Expresiones que cambian de significado con SER y ESTAR - Easy Español

Expresiones que cambian su significado con ‘ser’ y ‘estar’

Let’s learn some everyday expressions which change their meaning depending on whether they are used with ‘ser’ or ‘estar’: SER José es un interesado (personality trait: he’s interested). José es un distraído (personality trait: he’s distracted). Jorge es un chico tranquilo (personality trait: he’s a calm person). Roberto es joven

Differences between “hay” and “estar”

We use the verb haber to talk about the existence of something or someone. In the present tense this usage – known as impersonal se– only has one conjugation: hay. a) ¿Qué me recomiendas para leer? b) Hay un cuento precioso de Borges que te encantará. a) What do you recommend to read?