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Verbos relacionados al amor y sus preposiciones

Let’s review some of the prepositional verbs we use to talk about ‘love’:


1) Verbo amar:  when we talk about loving a person, we need the preposition a:

Romeo ama a Julieta. Romeo loves Juliet.

Ella ama a sus padres aunque la vuelvan loca. She loves her parents even though they drive her crazy.


2) Verbo enamorar(se): when we talk about falling in love with someone, we need the preposition de:

Mi padre dice que se enamoró de mi madre en el momento en que se conocieron. My father says that he fell in love with my mother the moment they met.

Cuando era adolescente, se enamoraba de un chico diferente todas las semanas. When she was a teenager, she fell in love with a different guy every week.


3) Verbo pensar: when we talk about thinking of someone fondly, affectionately, we need the preposition en:

Siempre pienso en mi abuela cuando horneo su torta favorita. I always think about my grandmother when I bake her favorite cake.

Su novia está estudiando en otra ciudad y él piensa en ella constantemente. His girlfriend is studying in a another city, and he thinks about her constantly.


4) Verbo casar(se): when we talk about getting married to someone, we need the preposition con:

Él se casó con su novia de la secundaria este verano pasado. He married his highschool sweethart last summer.

Ella se casará con mi primo el año próximo. She will marry my cousin next year.