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Easy Podcast: El Galeón de Manila y el inicio de la globalización

In 1565, friar and navigator Andrés de Urdaneta discovered a navigation route that allowed the Spanish Empire to connect their territories in America to their territories in Asia.

Galeón de Manila was the collective name of the trading ships that would sail the Pacific between the ports of Acapulco and Manila carrying goods such as silver, porcelain, spices, sugar cane, tobaccos, cacao, corn, silks, and more.

In addition to the great commercial success of the Galeón de Manilla, this international exchange of products also fostered cultural exchanges that greatly influenced the identity and traditions of the countries involved.

Click play to hear the fascinating history of el Galeón de Manilla:

  1. Easy Podcast: El Galeón de Manila y el inicio de la globalización - Easy Español Easy Espanol 7:11
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