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Ciudades Patrimoniales de España


Format Small Group (up to 6 students)
Instructor Margarita San Ricardo Núñez
Length 6 weeks (starting 06/28/22)
Schedule Tuesdays: 6:00 pm – 7:15pm
Level Spanish for Lower Intermediates (Spanish 6) and Up
Materials Online Teaching Materials (free)
Place Easy Español Virtual Campus
Pre-requisite Higher Beginners – Spanish 5 (or Placement Test)
Tuition fee $185
SKU: 48 Availability: Out of stock


This course will be a wonderful journey through the culture, history, holidays and gastronomy of Spain and its heritage cities.

What is a UNESCO World Heritage City (Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad)?

UNESCO uses the term World Heritage to refer to those places, monuments or activities that have an exceptional universal value.

Spain is the third country with the highest number of places listed as World Heritage (a total of 47 between cultural, natural and mixed) and it has 15 cities that bear this distinction.

In this course, we’ll journey through 9 of the Spanish cities recognized as Patrimonio de la Humanidad. During the course, we’ll explore their historical architectural heritage, their holidays and traditions, plus their delicious cuisine.


Format Small Group (up to 6 students)
Instructor Margarita San Ricardo Núñez
Length 6 weeks (starting 06/28/22)
Schedule Tuesdays: 6:00 pm – 7:15pm
Level Spanish for Lower Intermediates (Spanish 6) and Up
Materials Online Teaching Materials (free)
Place Easy Español Virtual Campus
Pre-requisite Higher Beginners – Spanish 5 (or Placement Test)
Tuition fee $185