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Improve your Spanish listening abilities: Los hermanos Pinzón y el “Descubrimiento” de América

Have you heard of los hermanos Pinzón and their major role in the voyage that ‘discovered’ America? Listen to our podcast to learn all about them and improve your Spanish listening abilities while you are at it!

The Pinzón brothers – Martín Alonso, Francisco Martín and Vicente Yáñez- were renowned sailors and explorers from Palos de la Frontera in Huelva, Spain, who played a key role in Christopher Columbus’ first voyage, securing funds, ships, and the most experienced crew members necessary for such intrepid journey.

Little is known about the importance of the Pinzón brothers in helping Columbus, but without their aid Columbus would have never made his famous expedition.

Click play to learn more about the fascinating history of the often-forgotten brothers who ‘discovered’ America:

  1. Easy Podcast - Los hermanos Pinzón y el 'Descubrimiento' de América - Easy Español Easy Espanol 6:07
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