How well do you know the history of New York? Put on your headphones, settle in for a good story and polish up your Spanish listening comprehension in the process!
In 1613, long before New York became New York, a Dutch ship arrived to its shores on a fur trading mission. Aboard that ship was Juan Rodriguez who would go on to become the first documented non-indigenous inhabitant to live on Manhattan Island.
Originally from the Spanish settlement of Santo Domingo, Rodriguez was recruited for his sharp language skills to serve as an intermediary between the Lenape people and the Dutch. After completing his mission, Rodriguez decided to settle on the island among the indigenous community.
For centuries Juan Rodriguez was erased from history, but in the 1950s his remarkable story was rediscovered and he has finally been restored to his rightful place in the history of New York and the United States at large.
Click play to learn more about the history of NY and important role played by Juan Rodríguez: