Let’s take a look at the vocabulary needed to talk about los cinco sentidos (the five senses), the body parts involved, and the most frequently used verbs to discuss them.
1. El gusto (taste)

Corresponding actions: Comer (to eat), saborear (to savor), catar (to taste), probar (to try), degustar (to taste), morder (to bite), masticar (to chew).
Involved body parts: La boca (mouth), los dientes (teeth), la lengua (tongue), el paladar (palate), los labios (lips).
Example: Ella está comiendo un durazno.
2. El tacto (touch)

Corresponding actions: Tocar (to touch), sentir (to feel), coger (to pick up), tomar (to pick up/grab), acariciar (to stroke/caress).
Involved body parts: La mano (hand), los dedos (fingers), las uñas (nails), la piel (skin).
Example: El bebé está tocando la mano de su madre.
3. El olfato (smell)

Corresponding actions: Oler (to smell), percibir (to perceive), sentir (to sense/detect), olfatear (to sniff), rastrear (to track by smell).
Involved body parts: La nariz (nose).
Example: La mujer está oliendo los pétalos de la flor.
3. La vista (sight)

Corresponding actions: Mirar (to look), ver (to see), buscar (to look around/search), chequear (to check), ojear (to eye), observar (to observe).
Involved body parts: El ojo (eye).
Example: Ella te está mirando. Ella está mirándote.
5. El oído (hearing)

Corresponding actions: Oír (to hear), escuchar (to listen), percibir (to perceive), sentir (to sense).
Involved body parts: La oreja (ear).
Example: El hombre está escuchando los sonidos.