- A buena luz: thoughtfully, after some reflection.
- A la luz de: in light of.
- A primera luz: at first light, at the break of dawn.
- A todas luces: to do something with confidence and certainty.
- Bombilla, bombita: light bulb.
- Brillar con luz propia: to stand out on your own, to succeed.
- Corte de luz: power outage.
- Dar a luz: to give birth.
- Foco: light bulb.
- La luz de sus ojos: to be the apple of someone’s eyes.
- Luz artificial: artificial light.
- Luz eléctrica: electricity.
- Luz mala: phenomenon caused by decomposing bones, but according to folk tales and superstition this light belongs to the wandering spirits of tortured souls.
- Luz natural: natural light.
- Luz solar: sunlight.
- Luces y sombras: the good and the bad of a situation, the ying and the yang.
- Sacar a la luz: to make something public, to air someone’s dirty laundry.
- Salir a la luz: to become public knowledge, to be discovered.
- Ser corto de luces: to be dim-witted, to not be sharpest tool in the shed.
- Ser una luz: to be very smart, brilliant.
- Tener luz verde: to have approval to begin a project or task.
- Tener pocas luces: to be dim-witted, to not be sharpest tool in the shed.
- Ver la luz: to see the light, to be born, to be launched or published.