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Expresiones idiomáticas con DAR

One of the most difficult aspects of a language to master is the usage of idiomatic expressions.  Idiomatic expressions are phrases that carry a specific meaning within the language. Normally, there is no logical way of translating them word by word. The only way to learn them is to memorize

El cuento y la cuenta

You probably know what “la cuenta” means if you have been at a Spanish restaurant.  “El cuento” is not a bill just for boys. It means a tale, a short story, or simply, a story. Un cuento chino: a complicated and unbelievable story, a cock-and-bull story. Tener más cuento que

Expresiones con la palabra “año”

A mitad de año: halfway through the year, at midyear. A lo largo de este año: over the course of this year. A lo largo de los años: over the years. A sus (29, 35, 42, etc) años: at the age of (29, 35, 42, etc) /at (29, 35, 42,

Expresiones relacionadas a la Navidad

Aguinaldo: Christmas bonus, Christmas box money. Árbol de Navidad: Christmas tree. Budín de Navidad: Christmas pudding. Cena de Navidad: Christmas dinner. Corona navideña: Christmas wreath. Día de Navidad: Christmas Day. En Navidad / Navidades / Pascuas: at Christmas (time). ¡Feliz Navidad!: Merry Christmas. Gordo navideño, de Navidad: Christmas jackpot. Lotería

Ándale, ándale!

If you are over thirty and grew up on a steady diet of cartoons, watching and rewatching them until your parents turned off the television and forced you to get productive,  you may have been productive after all, in fact you might even have been learning a little Spanish. Of all the Looney

Expresiones con la palabra “muerte”

Cuestión de vida o muerte: a matter of life and death. Dar muerte a algo / alguien: to kill something or someone. De mala muerte (colloquial): lousy, crappy. De muerte (col.): (susto) terrible; (fantástico) fantastic, terrific, out of this world. Debatirse entre la vida y la muerte: be fighting for

Mexican Slang Essentials: ¿Qué onda?

If you spend any significant amount of time socializing in México, or even here in some parts of the US, “¿Qué onda?” is a question you simply can’t escape from.  Like tacos or mezcal, it is an absolute staple of Méxican culture! So let’s take a look at the meaning

Mexican Slang and The Curious Case of “Aguas”

Water is such an essential part of life, and -not surprisingly- it is one of the first words you learn in any language. So I’m sure that you already know that the Spanish word for water is agua, but did you know that this word has other meanings? One common

Expresiones con la palabra “luz”

A buena luz: thoughtfully, after some reflection. A la luz de: in light of. A primera luz: at first light, at the break of dawn. A todas luces:  to do something with confidence and certainty. Bombilla, bombita: light bulb. Brillar con luz propia: to stand out on your own, to succeed.

Expressions to talk about unfaithfulness

Cuernear: to cheat on someone. Cornudo: cuckold. Echar una cana al aire: to cheat on someone, to sow one’s wild oats. Estar de pirata: to go out with a woman in secrecy to hide that you are cheating on your wife. Engañar: to cheat on someone. Tener un romance: to