One of the most difficult aspects of a language to master is the usage of idiomatic expressions. Idiomatic expressions are phrases that carry a specific meaning within the language. Normally, there is no logical way of translating them word by word. The only way to learn them is to
memorize them, and to practice their use. Below, you will find a series of Spanish idiomatic expressions grouped by types, according to the verb or the preposition they contain, and their English counterparts.
dar a conocer: to make known
dar gritos: to shout
dar a luz: to give birth
dar gusto: to please
dar un abrazo: to embrace, to hug
dar la hora: to strike the hour
dar asco: to disgust
dar gato por liebre: to deceit, to swindle, to gyp
dar las gracias: to thank
dar brincos: to jump
dar guerra: to cause a lot of trouble
dar los buenos días/tardes: to say good morning/afternoon
dar largas: to prolong an affair
dar calabazas: to jilt; to flunk
dar lata: to make a nuisance of oneself
dar la cara: to take responsibility
dar lugar a: to give cause for
dar carta blanca: to give someone a free hand
dar una mano: to lend a hand
dar con: to come upon; to find
dar lo mismo: to make no difference
dar con la puerta en las narices: to slam the door in one’s face
dar la nota: to stand out
dar cuenta de: to give a report on
dar pena a: to aggrieve
dar cuerda a: to wind
dar que hablar: to give grounds for criticism
dar de alta: to discharge (a patient)
dar que hacer: to cause trouble
dar(se) de baja: to drop or unsubscribe (from a list)
dar que pensar: to give grounds for suspicion
dar de beber / comer: to give a drink / to feed
dar palos de ciego: to swing out wildly
dar de palos: to beat; to thrash
dar parte: to inform
dar en el clavo / blanco: to hit the mark, to hit the nail on the head
dar un paseo: to take a walk
darse por aludido: to take it personally
dar a/por hecho: to take for granted
dar por muerto: to consider dead
dar por sentado: to take for granted
dar razón: to give account
dar la razón: to agree with
dar recuerdos a: to give regards to
dar rienda suelta a: to give free rein to
dar al traste con: to destroy; to spoil
dar voces: to shout
dar vueltas a: to think something over
dar una vuelta: to take a stroll
darse a: to devote oneself to
darse cuenta de: to realize
darse ínfulas: to put on airs
darse la mano: to shake hands
darse por + past participle: to consider oneself
darse por vencido: to give up
darse prisa: to hurry
dársela a uno: to make a fool out of someone
dárselas de: to pose as; to claim to be